NodeConf Remote 2020
1 — Why there are no incentives for security in Open Source?
2 — WASM, Rust, and you
3 — Node.js startup performance
4 — Uncovering Libuv secrets, a practical approach
5 — Serverless with a chance of Cloud Events
6 — Real-world Node.js Success Stories
7 — Node.js and the struggles of being an EventTarget
8 — Modern JavaScript Infrastructures
9 — Jumping into the deep end with Piscina
10 — JavaScript Prototypes Behind the Scenes
11 — Introduction to Event Loop Utilization
12 — From mess to mesh using Fastify
13 — Examining Observability in Node.js
14 — Can we double HTTP client throughput?
15 — 10 secrets to improve Node.js Security
16 — Packaging a node.js binary for a platform or two (or three?)
17 — Microservices Architecture in Node.js - Automated Testing
18 — Chronicles of the Node.js ecosystem: the consumer, the author, and the maintainer
19 — AsyncLocalStorage: usage and best practices
20 — Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, They’re Here! ES Modules in Node.JS