Kubernetes on Edge Day EU 2021
1 — Level Setting the Cloud Native Edge: Definitions and Core Principles - Keith Basil, Rancher
2 — DevOps on the Edge! - Prasanjit Singh, STARZPLAY
3 — Centralized, distributed or both? - Architectures for Kube... Gergely Csatari, Nokia & Ildikó Váncsa
4 — Ready, Set, Go for K8s at edge today for AI/ML with Tensorflow - Amol Chobe & Sachin Rathee, Red Hat
5 — Akri: Using non-Kubernetes devices in Kubernetes - Edrick Wong, Microsoft
6 — Kubernetes Robotics Edge Cluster System - Tomoya Fujita, Sony Corporation & Feng Gao, Sony China Ltd
7 — Develop once, deploy anywhere: flexible infrastructure extends to the edge - Frank Zdarsky, Red Hat
8 — Kubernetes running Manufacturing systems. A perfect match? - Moritz Kröger, RWTH Chair for Lasertech
9 — Live from Kubecon - Over the Edge with Craig McLuckie, VMware & Matt Trifiro, Vapor IO
10 — Taming Unbounded Resources with Node Feature Discovery - Mark Abrams, SUSE
11 — Kubernetes at the Edge for Telcos - Abhinivesh Jain, Wipro
12 — Streaming analytics on edge with Kuiper and KubeEdge - Rocky Jin, EMQ Technologies Co., Ltd.
13 — Take the Edge to the Cloud with OpenYurt and EdgeX Foundry - Yixing Jia & Chao Zheng
14 — KubeEdge and Kubernetes help manage all the monitoring devices on the world's longest cr... Huan Wei
15 — A GitOps approach to Zero Touch Provisioning for the 5G vRAN Ed... Ian Jolliffe & Yolanda Robla Mota