React GraphQL Talks
1 — Open Source Stage: figma-graphql – Bernardo Raposo
2 — Designing GraphQL Schemas: Avoid the downsides of GraphQL's flexibility - Nik Graf
3 — It Depends — Examining GraphQL Myths and Assumptions - Marc-André Giroux
4 — A Real-World GraphQL Application in Production - Stefano Masini
5 — Hooking Up A Conference In Real-Time With React Native & GraphQL - Nader Dabit
6 — Demystifying GraphQL Clients - Cris Biscardi
7 — React State Management In a GraphQL Era - Kitze
8 — Martijn Walraven: Building Reactive GraphQL Apps with Apollo
9 — GraphQL + JAMStack Panel discussion with Scott Moss, Sid Chaterjee, and Alex Lobera
10 — The GraphQL Developer Experience: Achieve friction-free state management - Peggy Rayzis
11 — GraphQL at scale with AWS - Richard Threlkeld
12 — Panel discussion hosted by the Apollo team
13 — Florentijn Hogerwerf and Dirk-Jan Rutten: Lessons learned from implementing a GraphQL API
14 — GraphQL at Scale Panel Discussion with Dan Schafer, Nick Schrock, Danielle Man and Tanmai Gopal
15 — Full-stack React Native in the Era of Serverless Computing: Build an app in minutes - Nader Dabit
16 — Strong RESTful Contracts in a GraphQL world - Tejas Kumar