JsConf Mexico 2020 virtual edition
1 — Ode to the decade++ - Eva Ferreira [spanish languaje]
2 — Ode to the decade++ - Eva Ferreira [English translated audio]
3 — Your emotions are not an anti-pattern - Jenn Creighton
4 — Machine Learning Principles, with JavaScript? - Francisco Sevilla [English translated audio]
5 — Deployed math - Brenda Berenice Ramos Hernández [spanish languaje]
6 — Deployed math - Brenda Berenice Ramos Hernández [English translated audio]
7 — A Powerful Introduction to Machine Learning with Js - Oliver Alejandro López [spanish languaje]
8 — DevTools, the CSS advocate in your browse - Chen Hui Jing
9 — DevTools, the CSS advocate in your browse - Chen Hui Jing (Spanish translated audio)
10 — Async JS - Nacho Sainz (English translated audio)
11 — Hacking Web Performance - Maximiliano Firtman [Spanish language]
12 — Why WebAssembly - Miguel Useche [Spanish language]
13 — Hacking Web Performance - Maximiliano Firtman (English translated audio)
14 — Starting a thread: pin the right questions - Dora Makszy
15 — Starting a thread: pin the right questions - Dora Makszy (Spanish translated audio)
16 — React is hard but not why you may think - Sara Vieira (Spanish translated audio)
17 — React is hard but not why you may think - Sara Vieira
18 — Micro Frontends, or how to evolve to an extensible frontend - Benjamín Martínez (Spanish langauaje)
19 — Accessibility, what do you eat that with? - Marjorie Figueroa (Spanish language)
20 — From beginner to expert in web performance - Tracy Lee
21 — From beginner to expert in web performance - Tracy Lee (Spanish translated audio)
22 — From JavaScript to React - Leonidas Esteban (Spanish language)
23 — From JavaScript to React - Leonidas Esteban (English translated language)
24 — Accessibility, what do you eat that with? - Marjorie Figueroa (English translated audio)
25 — Micro Frontends, how to evolve to an extensible frontend-Benjamín Martínez(English translated audio)
26 — Why WebAssembly - Miguel Useche (English translated audio)
27 — Async JS - Nacho Sainz [Spanish language]
28 — A Powerful Introduction to Machine Learning with Js - Oliver López [English translated audio]
29 — Your emotions are not an anti-pattern - Jenn Creighton (Spanish translated audio)
30 — Machine Learning Principles, with JavaScript? - Francisco Sevilla [spanish languaje]